Full of Surprises

My first trip to the continent of Africa took me to Uganda, a country full of surprises. The density of Kampala, with its 8.5 million people was alive with people going in every direction in trucks, cars, and all those motorcycles. The flowing hills were covered in a wide variety of structures…

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A Hope and A Future

Before we are even born, God has a plan for our lives. This is true of Henry. Henry is from the Kyotera district in Uganda. Henry’s mother unexpectedly got pregnant with him when she was a teenager. His parents were young and not married. Henry’s mother struggled to raise him so when he turned 2 years old she left him in the care of his grandmother. Henry’s grandmother raised him and his two cousins all on her own….

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Immeasurably More

When I was four years old, I came home from Sunday school and told my mother “I want to be a missionary to Africa!”. I had no idea what any of those words meant. I did not even have a relationship with Jesus yet. But I heard missionaries sharing about the work they did and my heart was captured…

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God is Everywhere, but He Lives in Uganda

But it’s not just the natural beauty and the animals He created. It’s the Ugandans. Everyone we met just had this joy that bubbled out of them. The children we met in the schools. The teachers who are loving and teaching them. The staff at Divine Care Ministries. The women who showed us the things they created at the Women’s Empowerment Center.

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An Outpouring of Love

Divine Care Ministries has such a large influence on the children's lives. The children are taught about God, given basic needs, shown love, and shown how to use the talents God has given them to use for the Lord's work and to give back to their communities.

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