Ask an Alumni: Mugoya's Memories

In 2004, I was among the first 15 boarding students that were enrolled for studies at Divine Grace Primary School under the new leadership of the school through Care Ministries. I was in Primary Five.

My two years studying at Divine Grace were life-changing ones as I was introduced to God in the most amazing way through the care and guidance of devoted men of God like my Uncle Mugoya Silver, Mr. Muwanguzi Henry, Mr. Wamboga Peter (HM), Mr. Bernard Twinamastko, and Uncle Tom.

The guidance I received from DCM has enabled me to push through hard life challenges in academics and real-world interactions.

When I joined Secondary after scoring 8 aggregates in P.7 (2006), I was in a class with students who had gotten better grades from top schools, yet I used to beat them as a top student up to senior 4 (2010).

With the faith and trust the teachers of Divine Grace had in me, I decided to take on Sciences as a major at A-level (2012). And again, I performed well- even beating students from good and top primary and secondary schools. This made me realize what our Headmaster, Mr. Wamboga, used to tell us that Divine Grace is one of the best schools in Uganda.

I joined Makerere University in 2013 to pursue a bachelor of science in Software Engineering.

Throughout my stay at the campus, the guidance that they used to give us during devotions at Divine Grace in the morning at 5 AM and in the evening at 6 PM is what helped me not mess up my life at campus up to the last semester and I graduated with a GPA of 3.76 at the top of my class!

As of 2021, I am now working as a Software Engineer at a Recruitment Firm and am planning to go for a masters degree in Computer Science at Makerere University this year.

Spiritually, Divine Grace school groomed and prepared my heart for a journey of Salvation that I have taken on serving God. The devotional life at Divine Grace has helped me keep a devotional spiritual life in reading God's word as well as praying devotionally as it was a norm at Divine Grace.

It has been 15 years since I left the school but I feel as if it has just been recent. I really want to thank the Leadership of Mummy Phoebe, Pr. Sozi, Mummy Diana, Uncle Silver (My godfather), Uncle Tom, and the entire team at Divine Care Ministries for allowing God to use you and spiritually mentoring the young generation. I am forever thankful to God for Divine Care Ministries for helping the needy to achieve their goals in life.

My prayer is that God may bless the sponsors and the entire team for helping less privileged children to find meaning in life through academics and above all, knowing God. All I can say is thank you. May God richly bless you.

Mugoya Dihfahsih

Software Engineer

Kampala, Uganda

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